

Any development on your lot requires a development permit. If you are considering doing any work, please APPLY EARLY, as development applications require a number of documents and plans to be submitted, and appropriate notice periods. See Timelines below for further detail.

Any development along the shoreline requires a development permit.  This includes property that is under a lease agreement from the Easement Holders Association (EHA), a Public Utility Lot (PUL), or an undeveloped Road Use Allowance. Those that are members of the Easement Holder's Association (EHA) will require approval from the EHA, which the Summer Village Development Officer will help coordinate.

Once your development permit has been approved, you will need to get the necessary permits (building, gas, plumbing, electrical) from The Inspections Group.

All shoreline work additionally requires a permit from Alberta Environment and Parks.

Information on sand dumping and other common lakeshore activities that require permitting can be found here:

Subdivision Authority (i.e. for lot consolidations or subdivisions)
Subdivision Fees
Municipal Planning Services (2009) Ltd.
(780) 486-1991

Alberta One Call has changed their name now to “Utility Safety Partners”. 

 “Click before you dig”
Lake Access - information for real estate agents and other interested parties

Development Officer Contact Information 

The Summer Village of Sundance Beach's Development Officer can be contacted as follows:

For tree removal permits (required on Recreational Easement District property i.e. lakeshore property):

Shawna Dennis
Summer Village Office
Phone: (780) 389-4409

For all other development permits:

Marcelo Figueira, from GSA Consulting Inc. (Green Space Alliance)
Phone: (780) 860-3053


Development Application Form

Development Information Sheet

Note that this can be submitted electronically if it is clear and to scale (no photos of drawings, please scan in or email original document)
Property owners are urged to hire a draftsperson/other designer or an architect to draw up their plans. While they can draw the plans themselves, when they're done professionally they tend to be much easier to read and provide higher levels of detail.



For a standard development application, once all files and the application has been received, the permit will take approximately 3 weeks.

If a variance or discretionary use is requested, there will be an extra ~ 3 weeks for the permit.

Note: any changes requested, or missing documents will require additional time.

Once the permit is issued, there is a 21 day notice and appeal period before the permit comes into effect.

All requests are processed in the order they are received.

Protecting and Maintaining your Water Well

Here in the Summer Village each property has its' own private water well.  These wells are the responsibility of the property owner.  It's important to know how to protect and maintain your well.

The Alberta Government has created the "Working Well" program to give you the information and tools you need.

Please check out this link for more information.

Road Permits

A permanent road ban is in effect within the corporate limits of the Summer Village for the entire calendar year. The road ban shall impose up to a seventy-five percent (75%) axle weight restriction. A seasonal road ban is in place during spring breakup or any other time the road is at risk of damage. The seasonal road ban shall be at 50% axle weight restriction.

Roadata Services Ltd. manages the permits for the Summer Village, and inputs the information into the Provincial Transportation Routing and Vehicle Information System (TRAVIS). To get a permit, please call: 1-888-830-7623.  

Disturbance Standards for Temporary Docks and Mooring Structures

Pigeon Lake is located on crown land and, under the currently rules, no one can place a dock or other mooring structure (including boat lifts, personal watercraft lifts, swimming platforms and mooring buoys) in the lake without written permission from Alberta Environmental Protection (AEP) under the Public Lands Act. Most commonly, the written permission will be in the form of a temporary field authorization (TFA) issued by AEP.  The property owners who are not included under the disturbance standard will be required to obtain a TFA or other written permission from AEP before placing their docks and other mooring structures in the lake.

If you have any questions about the applicability of the Disturbance Standard to you, the rules or the process to obtain a TFA, please contact the AEP Office for the Bighorn/Edmonton district at:

For more, check out these links:

Disturbance Standard

User Guide for Dock Authorization

Fact Sheets and Additional Information

Planning Documents


Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP): Summer Villages of Itaska Beach, Sundance Beach, Golden Days and Leduc County

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF): with Leduc County

Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

Land Use Bylaw: Divides the municipality into districts; has permitted and discretionary uses in each district; sets standards for development  
        Land Use Districts Map

Easement Holders Association (EHA)- Draft Regulations: These regulations will be used by the EHA Board when considering development applications on EHA land; this is intended to be incorporated into the Summer Village's Land Use Bylaw.

Relationship Between Planning Documents

The hierarchy of documents within the Summer Village of Silver Beach's land use planning framework is established by the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The MGA requires that each level is consistent with the level above and below it, and that the policies or regulations within planning document(s) at each level may be implemented by those below them in the decision-making process. The MGA provides the legislative authority for municipal land use planning and decision-making, while the North Saskatchewan regional plan (or Land Use Policies in their absence) provides broad-based policy directions and principles for municipal land use planning, which are effected through statutory plans and bylaws.

The statutory plans provide future direction for the development and use of lands at the fringe areas of the Summer Village's boundaries (IDP), and within the corporate boundaries of the Summer Village (MDP). The Land Use Bylaw regulates the use and development of land based on the policy directions of statutory plans. The Public Participation Policy contains requirements for public engagement outside statutory plans, the LUB and other planning documents that may be considered when making decisions on development permit and subdivision applications. Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between a higher-level planning document and a lower-level planning document, the higher-level planning document prevails to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.

Subdivision Survey Maps


3381 KS

4816 HW

4972 KS

5423 KS

5489 MC